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Pump Products Made in China
  • WQ排污泵Sewage Water Pump
    搅匀切割不锈钢多种可选Stirring and cutting stainless steel is optional
    排污泵,搅匀泵,切割泵Sewage pump, stirring pump, cutting pump
  • IRG立式/卧式管道泵Vertical/Horizontal pipe pump
    结构紧凑维保便利Compact structure and convenient maintenance
    楼宇,空调,工业给水,消防Building, air conditioning, industrial water supply, fire protection
  • CDL立式多级泵Vertical multi-stages
    清水、污水、化工Clean water, sewage, chemical industry
    自吸污水泵、自吸清水泵Water, sewage, chemical self-priming sewage pump, self-priming water
  • GC螺杆泵Screw Pump
    市政,污水处理,工业循环Municipal, waste water treatment, industrial cycle
KSB Pump Service Partner
 Typical Cases of Common Pump Faults
  • 水泵自动补油杯漏油Oil leakage of the automati...

    水泵轴承常常配置自动补油泵,当轴承室的油位低时,油杯中的油自动补充到轴承室中去,对于日常维护很方便,但是油杯使用不当经常会出现莫名奇妙的滴漏现象,油杯中的油也会很快漏光,地面也会出现一滩油迹。When the oil level of the bearing chamber is low, the oil in the oil cup is automatically added to the bearing chamber, which is very convenient for daily maintenance, but the improper use of the oil cup often causes inexplicable drip phenomenon, the oil in the oil cup will soon leak light, and the ground will also appear a puddle of oil.分析油杯的泄露原因,我们先来了解一下油杯工作的基本原理,油杯下方是有一个斜口状的管子,轴承室的液位低于斜口时,空气会进入到油杯中,油杯中会出现冒泡现象,油会向下流补充到轴承室中,将斜口封住在油里,空气就不会再进入到油杯中,油杯液位保持不变。Analyze the cause of the oil cup leakage, we first understand the basic principle of the oil cup work, there is a bevel shaped pipe below the oil cup, the bearing chamber level is lower than the bevel, the air will enter the oil cup, the oil cup will appear bubbling phenomenon, the oil will be added to the bearing chamber, the bevel sealed in the oil, the air will not enter the oil cup, the oil cup level remains unchanged.泄露原因主要有两方面,其一轴承室油位过高,泵在运行中会轴承温度高会将空气加热,膨胀的空气会将油赶出来,其二透明油杯与杯托间存在密封不好的情况,有时候密封垫处含有砂砾颗粒会影响密封不严,油杯与杯托没有旋紧。There are two main reasons for leakage, one is that the oil level of the bearing chamber is too high, the high bearing temperature of the pump will heat the air during operation, and the expanded air will drive the oil out, and the other is that the transparent oil cup and the cup holder have a bad seal. Sometimes the sealing pad contains sand particles, which will affect the tight seal, and the oil cup and the cup holder are not tightened. 凯士比泵正确的加油步骤如上图截取自维护保养手册。The correct refueling procedure for KSB pump is shown in the above picture taken from the maintenance manual.










    oil leak


  • 双吸泵机械密封损坏分析Mechanical seal damage an...

    应客户要求,对9月7号左右维修的KSB Omega双吸泵机械密封泄露问题进行分析。At the request of the customer, the mechanical seal leakage problem of KSB Omega double suction pump, which was repaired around September 7, was analyzed.Ø从机封损坏情况的照片来看,动环面碎裂以及密封表现有明显很深的划痕,原因是机械密封动静环贴合面在泵刚启动过程中摩擦力过大,启动扭矩过大产生对机封动环面的冲击导致碎裂,密封面摩擦力过大是由于表面密封不良,可能原因有二:From the photos of the machanical seal damage, there are obvious deep scratches on the dynamic torus fracture and sealing performance. The reason is that the friction of the static and dynamic ring of the mechanical seal is too large in the process of starting the pump, and the starting torque is too large, resulting in the impact on the dynamic torus of the machine seal, resulting in fragmentation. The excessive friction of the sealing surface is due to the poor surface seal.ü在启泵前,机封腔没有充分被排空,机封出现润滑不良干磨阻力大。Before starting the pump, the seal cavity is not fully emptied, and the seal has poor lubrication and large dry wear resistance.ü泵在现场停太久,首次启动没有手动盘车,没有让机封面动静环面被人工分离,直接启动会导致瞬间扭矩过大作用于密封面。The pump stops for too long at the site, there is no manual turning for the first start, there is no manual separation of the dynamic and static torus of the sealing faces, and direct starting will cause instantaneous torque to be too large for the sealing surface.










  • 水泵振动大常见问题分析Analysis of common proble...

    振动是机电行业比较常见也是比较复杂的问题,对于离心泵来说,遇到振动过高,分析总结大致有以下几种情况:Vibration is a more common and more complex problem in the mechanical and electrical industry, for centrifugal pumps, when the vibration is too high, the analysis and summary are roughly the following situations:1,管路设计不合理,进出口管路弯头离泵太近,会导致管路应力以及紊流的出现,图片如下图:The pipeline design is unreasonable, and the elbow of the import and export pipeline is too close to the pump, can cause pipe stress and turbulence,The picture is as follows:2,轴承磨损或润滑不良。Bearing wear or poor lubrication.3,有松连接和松配合的存在,比如联轴器的螺栓没有锁紧,或轴承锁紧螺母松,或者轴承室与轴承配合松等。There is a loose connection and loose fit, such as the coupling bolt is not locked, or the bearing lock nut is loose, or the bearing chamber is loose with the bearing.4,水泵安装时对中不好,电机有软脚的存在。When the water pump is installed, the alignment is not good, and the motor has soft feet.5,入口滤网堵,进水不足,出口背压不足,流量过高,泵在超负荷运行,汽蚀余量不足,导致汽蚀引起振动大。The inlet filter screen is blocked, the inlet water is insufficient, the outlet back pressure is insufficient, the flow rate is too high, the pump is in overload operation, and the cavitation allowance is insufficient, resulting in large vibration caused by cavitation.6,变频运行时,在特定频率出现超高的振动,泵和电机一起振动大,可能是产生了共振现象。需要做的是改变运行的频率或者改变泵转子的动平衡精度,还有改变结构的刚性,通过给底座灌浆,焊接加强筋板等措施改变泵转子的自身频率。When the frequency conversion operation, there is ultra-high vibration at a specific frequency, and the pump and the motor vibrate greatly together, which may be a resonance phenomenon. What needs to be done is to change the frequency of operation or change the dynamic balance accuracy of the pump rotor, as well as change the rigidity of the structure, by grouting the base, welding reinforcement plate and other measures to change the frequency of the pump rotor itself.












  • 水泵油封漏油Oil leakage from the pump

    对于稀油润滑的泵,我们以知名品牌KSB离心泵MCPK为例子,常见的油封形式有两种,一种是较为常见的骨架油封也叫唇封,另一种叫迷宫式密封。For the thin oil lubrication pump, we take the well-known brand KSB centrifugal pump as an example, there are two common oil seal forms, one is the more common skeleton oil seal, also called lip seal, and the other is called labyrinth seal.骨架油封Lip seal对于新泵出现的油封漏油的情况,首先客户加油没有按照操作手册来,把油加多了,另一种可能是在工厂组装完,喷漆时没有把油封处做保护,让密封处有油漆,使得泵运行过程中油封处出现泄露。线条状的油漆被油封切下来。For the oil seal leakage of the new pump, first of all, the customer did not fill the oil according to the operation manual, and added more oil. Another possibility is that after the assembly of the factory, the oil seal was not protected when painting, so that the seal was painted, which made the oil seal leak during the operation of the pump. The line of paint are cut off by the oil seal.轴密封处被喷了油漆The shaft seal place was sprayed with paint另外一种情况是,使用了迷宫式油封的情况。轴承压盖上面加工了油沟和回油孔。往往漏油出现在驱动端,拆开泵轴承压盖,会在轴上看到很明显的沟痕印记,分析其原因,可能是驱动端侧的压盖暴露在空气中接触水汽和灰尘的概率大于受到防护罩网保护的非驱动端,当铸铁材质的压盖与轴接触的部位有灰尘聚集或生锈时,压盖与轴的间隙过小,导致泵在运转时油封处出现虹吸漏油现象,当将压盖内孔与轴的间隙通过砂纸或袖珍锉刀清理后,漏油的问题就会被解决掉。The other case is that the labyrinth oil seal is used. The oil ditch and oil return hole are processed on the bearing gland. When you open the pump bearing gland, you will see obvious grooves on the shaft. Analyze the reason. It may be that the gland on the side of the drive end is exposed to water vapor and dust in the air, which is greater than that on the non-drive end protected by the protective mesh. When the pump is running, there is a siphon oil leakage phenomenon at the oil seal. When the gap between the inner hole of the gland and the shaft is cleaned by sandpaper or a pocket file, the problem of oil leakage will be solved.安装了迷宫式油封的泵 Pump fitted with labyrinth oil seal












  • 论多弹簧式机械密封泄露的一种常见情况            A comm...

    论多弹簧式机械密封泄露的一种常见情况A common case of leakage of multi-spring mechanical seal该案例发生在一款凯士比高温热水泵上,现场中有四台Etanorm SYT高温热水泵,由于现场是化工新项目阶段,泵还没有投入正式使用,管道中一直有水,在泵停机将近半年后,业主根据现场需要,想把泵运行起来,但是却发现四台泵有三台泄露,而且泄漏量很大。The case occurred on a KSB high-temperature hot water pump. There are four Etanorm SYT high-temperature hot water pumps on the site. Since the site is a new chemical project stage, the pump has not been put into formal use, and there has been water in the pipeline. Nearly half a year after the pump was shut down, the owner wanted to run the pump according to the site needs, but found that three of the four pumps leaked, and the leakage was large.机械密封泄露情况视频Leakage of the meachanical seal与客户沟通,拆解其中一台,查找分析泄露原因。Communicate with the customer, disassemble one of them, find out and analyze the cause of leakage.拆解图1 Photo 1拆解2 Photo2拆解到机械密封图3 Photo 3 of mechanical seal机封接触面并无明显损伤,弹簧处有污泥残留。There is no obvious damage on the contact surface of the mechanical seal, sludge found on the springs.总结Conclusion:结合泄露现象与拆解发现分析,水中污垢在小弹簧处沉积,导致弹簧工作异常,密封面不能正常贴合在一起,出现泄露量较大的问题。处理另外两台泵机封泄露的问题,没有对泵拆解,只是使用管路水冲洗机封腔,并手动正反盘车,使密封腔里面沉积的污垢变成漂浮状,让弹簧能够恢复正常功能,密封面贴合,泄露问题暂时解决,后期建议业主以后安装机封腔冲洗系统来保证机封的正常工作。According to the analysis of leakage phenomenon and disassembly findings, the dirt in the water is deposited at the small spring, resulting in the abnormal operation of the spring, the sealing surface can not fit together normally, and the problem of large leakage occurs. To deal with the leakage of the mechanical seal of the other two pumps, instead of disassembling the pump, we just use the pipeline water to wash the mechanical seal cavity, and manually turn the positive and negative gears to make the dirt deposited in the seal cavity become floating, so that the spring can recover its normal function, the sealing surface fits together, and the leakage problem is solved temporarily. In the later stage, the owner is recommended to install the mechanical seal cavity flushing system to ensure the normal operation of the mechanical seal.










    Etanorm SYT


  • 端吸离心泵噪音振动问题Noise and vibration of en...

    端吸离心泵噪音振动问题Noise and vibration of end suction centrifugal pump一、服务背景Service Background 现场投诉水泵运行有较大噪音。The site complained that the water pump operation had a big noise.二、服务内容Service Content1,拆泵前检查:Check before removing the pump:1.1到现场拆泵前,检查噪音值为82dB(未超过85dB标准值)。Before disassembling the pump on site, check the noise value of 82dB(not exceeding 85dB standard value).1.2泵与电机轴承位置振动值最大值达到2.2mm/s(未超过4.5mm/s标准)。The maximum vibration value of pump and motor bearing position reaches 2.2mm/s (not exceeding 4.5mm/s standard).2,在现场检查发现以下几点,并做相关处理:The following points were found in the on-site inspection, and relevant treatment was done:2.1 由于水中含有颗粒杂质,水泵口环处有磨蹭痕迹,清理叶轮以及耐磨环处高点。Because the water contains particle impurities, there are abrasion marks at the pump mouth ring, clean the impeller and the high point of the wear ring.2.2 入口滤网含有很多类似焊渣的大颗粒。The inlet filter contains many large particles similar to welding slag.2.3 电机风扇罩壳下方螺丝松。The screw under the motor fan cover is loose.3,现场整改以上的问题点后,重新开启水泵,噪音值79dB, 电机与水泵振动值最大处为1.0mm/s远低于4.5mm/s标准。After correcting the above problems on site, restart the water pump, the noise value is 79dB, and the maximum vibration value of the motor and water pump is 1.0mm/s, which is much lower than the standard 4.5mm/s. 三、建议项Advice & Suggestion 建议水泵经常开一开,停机过久的话,轴承处润滑会变差。It is recommended that the pump often open, shut down for a long time, bearing lubrication will become poor.


    1,拆泵前检查:Check before removing the pump: 1.1到现场拆泵前...
    1,拆泵前检查:Check before removing the pump: 1.1到现场拆泵前...
    1,拆泵前检查:Check before removing the pump: 1.1到现场拆泵前...







    pipeline pump

    pump noise

    pump vibration

  • 凯士比KSB锅炉给水泵HGC调试现场案例

    KSB boiler feed water pump HGC commissioning field case一、服务背景Service Background 四台HGC3/9 安装及调试指导4 HGC3/9 installation and commissioning guidance现场位号:高压给水A/B/C/D泵,下图为A泵铭牌:Site Tag No.: high-pressure water supply A/B/C/D pump, the following figure shows the nameplate of pump A:二、服务内容Service Content1,调试前,检查冷却水系统,润滑油添加情况,检查有无漏点,查看水泵电机对中数据,检查电机空转方向。Before debugging, check the cooling water system, lubricating oil addition, check whether there is a leakage point, check the motor alignment data of the pump, and check the motor idling direction.2,2022年9月15号晚上调试B泵,几分钟之内入口压力下降过快,出口压力过低,立刻停泵安排检查入口滤网。照片如下:On the night of 2022 September 15th, the B pump was adjusted. Within a few minutes, the inlet pressure dropped too fast and the outlet pressure was too low. Here are the photos:3,滤网阻塞严重,原因有二The filter is severely blocked for two reasons:1)管路系统太脏,安排次日冲洗管路系统。The piping system is too dirty. Arrange to flush the piping system the next day.2)滤网目数过高,约估有120目(图1),次日协助电建安装队,改造将120目滤芯去掉,改成40目(图2)滤芯滤网。The mesh size of the filter was too high, about 120 mesh (Figure 1). The next day, I assisted the power construction and installation team to remove the filter element of 120 mesh and change it to 40 mesh (Figure 2)4,出口管路旁路至除氧器,旁路管路设计过大(DN80,下图1/2黑色箭头指向为旁路),也暂未安装节流孔板,导致出口旁路流量过大,当使用节流阀控制小流量时,流体通过阀门噪音很大,业主担心对阀门有冲击,造成阀门过早磨损,遂未能安排泵通过旁路连续运转4小时,大约运转10分钟,从25Hz逐步加速到40Hz(图3为转速35Hz进出口压力),查看出口压力、水泵振动(小于1mm/s,远低于4.5mm/s的标准),遂和业主、客户沟通后,次日正常使用给水泵补水锅炉。Export line bypass to the deaerator, bypass piping design is too large (DN80, below 1/2 black arrow pointing to bypass), also temporarily not installed the throttling orifice plate, lead to export the bypass flow is too large, when using small throttle control flow, flow through the valve noise is very big, owners worry has impact to the valve, causing premature valve wear and tear, As a result, the pump could not be arranged to run continuously for 4 hours through the bypass, running for about 10 minutes, gradually accelerating from 25Hz to 40Hz (Figure 3 shows the inlet and outlet pressure at 35Hz speed). After checking the outlet pressure and pump vibration (less than 1mm/s, far below the standard of 4.5mm/s), the pump was normally used to refill the boiler the next day after communicating with the owner and customer.三、建议项Advice & Suggestion水泵油位计以及轴承箱上定位螺丝处,不适合安装在有淋雨可能的室外,存在进水渗水可能,请在轴承室上方安装遮雨设施。(图1上黑色扎带仅为演示排气孔是对上方通的)。有的油位计已经进水,都已经被排干水,重新加油。(图2所示为水在油位的下方)The oil level gauge of the water pump and the positioning screw on the bearing box are not suitable to be installed outdoors where there is a possibility of rain and water seepage. Please install rain shielding facilities above the bearing room. (The black cable tie in Figure 1 is only to demonstrate that the exhaust hole is open to the top). Some of the oil level meters have been flooded, have been drained, refuel. (Figure 2 shows the water below the oil level)












  • 逆止阀导致立式泵噪音振动大实例Check valve cause of ...

    逆止阀导致立式泵噪音振动大实例Check valve cause of vertical pump high noise and vibration一、服务背景Service BackgroundKSB SPFC 150-430A   水泵运行有异响 Abnormal noise of water pump operation二、服务内容Service ContentSPFC 150-430A  现场位号:#41)到达现场后,让业主启动泵,测试噪音值为84dB,如下图,( 周围环境安静)。振动值电机座振动为3.0mm/s(轴径向),泵轴承箱振动达到6.3mm/s(轴径向),电机驱动端振动达到8.5mm/s(径向)。After arriving at the site, ask the owner to start the pump, and the test noise value is 84dB, as shown below (the surrounding environment is quiet). Vibration value The vibration of the motor base is 3.0mm/s(axial and radial direction), the vibration of the pump bearing box is 6.3mm/s(axial and radial direction), and the vibration of the motor driving end is 8.5mm/s(radial direction).2)检查泵与电机联轴器,轴向与径向对中均符合要求。泵手动盘车,很灵活,无卡阻现象。Check pump and motor couplings, axial and radial alignment meet the requirements. Pump manual turning, very flexible, no stuck phenomenon.3)停#4泵时,启动挨着的#3号泵,#3号噪音值为74dB,振动均在4.5mm/s以内。奇怪的是,用手摸#4号泵轴承室,振感强烈。测量振动值居然达到5.7mm/s(下图1)。把#3泵停机,#4号泵振动消除。同样,启动离#4号稍远的#2号泵,测量停机的#4号泵轴承室,振动值居然达到2.6mm/s(下图2)。When the #4 pump is stopped, the #3 pump next to it is started. The noise value of #3 is 74dB, and the vibration is within 4.5mm/s. It is strange that the vibration is strong when touching the bearing chamber of #4 pump by hand. The measured vibration value is 5.7mm/s (Figure 1 below). Shut down pump #3 and eliminate the vibration of pump #4. Similarly, when the #2 pump, which is slightly away from #4, is started, the vibration value of the bearing chamber of #4 pump, which is shut down, is actually 2.6mm/s (Figure 2 below).4)四台立式泵现场分布照片如下图,白色为逆止阀:The field distribution photos of four vertical pumps are as follows, and the white is the check valve:泵噪音振动大原因分析:Cause analysis of pump noise and vibration:1,#4号泵出口逆止阀,存在关闭不严情况,当#4停机,旁边#3泵、#2泵启动时,#4泵出口管路有回流情况。No. 4 pump outlet check valve, there is a situation of lax closure, when #4 stop, next to #3 pump, #2 pump started, #4 pump outlet pipeline reflux situation.2,单独运行#4号泵时,由于出口阀门的缘故,存在出水不通畅情况。故泵组噪音与振动偏大。When No. 4 pump is run alone, the water is not unobstructed due to the outlet valve. Therefore, the noise and vibration of the pump group are large.3,请客户检查#4号出口管路逆止阀是否有卡异物,或者阀门出现磨损或故障的情况。 Please check whether the No. 4 outlet pipeline check valve has any foreign body stuck, or the valve is worn or faulty.


    逆止阀导致立式泵噪音振动大实例分析 Check valve faulty cause of vert...
    逆止阀导致立式泵噪音振动大实例分析 Check valve faulty cause of vert...
    逆止阀导致立式泵噪音振动大实例分析 Check valve faulty cause of vert...








    Check valve faulty


  • 污水厂ABS品牌提升泵大修Sewage plant ABS brand ...

    污水厂ABS品牌提升泵大修Sewage plant ABS brand lifting pump overhaul服务背景Service Background:在安徽某大型污水厂,苏尔寿ABS大型潜水泵,机械密封损坏,电机进水,整泵需要大修。 In a large sewage treatment plant in Anhui province, Sulzer ABS large submersible pump, mechanical seal is damaged, water seepage into the motor, the whole pump needs to be overhauled.利用专用工具拆除电机转子、水泵轴承等 Use special tools to remove motor rotor, submersible pump bearings, etc氧气乙炔加热烘烤拆除电机定子 Remove motor stator by heating and baking with oxygen acetylene电机定子重新绕线Rewind the motor stator安装新轴承 Install new bearings潜水泵组装完成 Submersible pump assembly completed水泵空转运行测试 Submersible pump idling operation test


    服务背景Service Background: 在安徽某大型污水厂,苏尔寿ABS大型潜水泵,机械密...
    服务背景Service Background: 在安徽某大型污水厂,苏尔寿ABS大型潜水泵,机械密...
    服务背景Service Background: 在安徽某大型污水厂,苏尔寿ABS大型潜水泵,机械密...



    motor repair


    Submersible pump maintenance



  • 管道泵安装问题导致噪音问题         Pipeline pump ...

    管道泵安装不当,导致噪音问题案例分析Pipeline pump improper installation, resulting in noise problem case analysis一、服务背景Service Background在浙江宁波某芯片国际大厂,现场安装12台管道水泵,用于空调水循环系统,有一台水泵噪音值高达102dB,其它5台水泵也有间隔性噪音大,2021年曾经向工厂反映过噪音问题,也派服务人员处理过一台噪音问题,通过打磨抛光叶轮口环的方式,处理好噪音问题。现在出现一半有噪音问题,业主直接怀疑这批电机都存在问题。A chip international companies in Ningbo, Zhejiang province, 12 sets of pipeline pumps, on-site installation for air conditioning water system, there is a water pump noise value as high as 102 dB, the other 5 pumps have interval noisy, in 2021 has been to the factory reflect the noise problem, also send service personnel with a noise problem, through the way of grinding and polishing impeller mouth ring, Deal with noise. Now half of them have noise problems, and the owner directly suspects that there are problems with this batch of motors.二、服务内容Service Content(一)现场检查噪音问题最严重一台 Site inspection noise problem is the most serious one 1,噪音现象:电机正常运转时,噪音大,停机阶段,有金属剐蹭异响。Noise phenomenon: when the motor is running normally, the noise is high. During the shutdown stage, there is a metal scraping noise.2,检查该泵、电机与底座之间,紧固螺栓松动情况,部分垫片处于自由状态,原因在于垫脚使用橡胶垫块,经过一段时间运行,橡胶有变形情况发生,导致泵与电机处于松动状态。(现场图如下)Check the loosening of the fastening bolts between the pump, the motor and the base. Part of the gasket is in a free state. The reason is that the rubber pad is used for the gasket. (The scene picture is as follows)3,拆开电机检查,电机两端轴承情况,拆电机非驱动端时,发现轴承防尘外盖以及油脂有大量灰尘,以及油脂有轻微进水乳化现象。驱动端轴承情况,未见明显异常。防尘密封圈以及轴承密封盖未见损害情况,灰尘与轻微进水不排除在土建过程中,储存不当所致。(下图为非驱动端,拆开后拍取,箭头指向大量灰尘以及油脂轻微进水乳化)When disassembling the motor, check the bearings at both ends of the motor. When disassembling the non-driving end of the motor, it is found that there is a lot of dust on the dust-proof outer cover of the bearing and the grease, and the grease is slightly emulsified by water. Bearing condition of driving end, no obvious abnormality. Dustproof seal ring and bearing seal cover are not damaged, dust and slight water do not exclude improper storage in the process of civil construction. (The following figure shows the non-driven end, which is taken after disassembly. The arrow points to a large amount of dust and grease emulsified by slight water)4,该电机转子以及防尘盖等其余零部件,经检查未发现异常,如下图:The rotor of the motor, dust cover and other parts have not been found abnormal after inspection, as shown below:5,抛光叶轮口环与耐磨环(下图为抛光前照片)Polishing impeller mouth ring and wear ring (the picture below is before polishing)6,安装电机新轴承Install new bearings for motor8, 泵与电机脚垫块,应该使用不易变形的铁质材料比如Q235, 或薄不锈钢片调整间隙。原橡胶垫块如下图:Pump and motor foot pads should be made of iron material such as Q235 or thin stainless steel to adjust the clearance. The original rubber pad is shown as follows:总结SUMMARY:1,管道泵使用橡胶垫块,橡胶易变形,导致安装水泵时,绑紧锁紧螺丝时导致泵被受力扭曲,运行时导致叶轮偏磨,发生振动大噪音大的问题。另外,橡胶在受力一段时间,发生形变,不可恢复,导致锁紧螺丝松动。2,此外,后端轴承进水进大量灰尘叠加安装不良,导致这台泵成为噪音最严重的一台。1, the pipeline pump using rubber pad block, rubber deformation, resulting in the installation of the pump, the pump is forced when the screw is tied, resulting in the distortion of the impeller during operation, resulting in the problem of vibration and noise. In addition, when the rubber is stressed for a period of time, deformation occurs and cannot be recovered, resulting in loosening of the locking screw.2, in addition, the rear bearing water into a large amount of dust superimposed poor installation, resulting in this pump becomes the most serious noise.





    pump noise


    motor noise


    pipeline pump


    worn of impeller wear ring

  • 潜水泵常见故障排查 Submersible pump common fa...

    潜污泵常见故障排查Common troubleshooting of submersible sewage pumpexpump2021-07-01污水泵是日常维修保养工作中经常遇到的一种泵,常常用于市政污水,雨水,排涝,出现问题的概率相当高,出现这些问题的原因多种多样,可以从三方面着手来分析解决问题,分别是:电气原因,机械原因,与控制原因。Sewage pump is a kind of pump often encountered in daily maintenance work, often used for municipal sewage, rain water, drainage, the probability of problems is quite high, the reasons for these problems are diverse, can start from three aspects to analyze and solve the problem, respectively: electrical reasons, mechanical reasons, and control reasons. 常见的潜水泵湿式安装1,电机通电后,泵出口不出水,常见原因如下:1.1 电气方面原因:Common submersible pump wet installation   1. After the motor is powered on, there is no water at the pump outlet. The common reasons are as follows:   1.1 Electrical reasons: 1.1.1 接线是否正确,接线错误,电机可能存在反转,需要调换任两根主线,改变泵转向。1.1.2 电机是否故障:通过万用表,测量电机三相阻值是否正常,三相电阻是否平衡,线圈对地绝缘值是否达到标准。1.1.1 If wiring is correct or wrong, the motor may be reversed, so it is necessary to replace the two main lines and change the pump steering.   1.1.2 Whether the motor is faulty: Use a multimeter to measure whether the three-phase resistance value of the motor is normal, whether the three-phase resistance is balanced, and whether the insulation value of the coil to the ground reaches the standard. 1.1.3 还需要检查电机温度电阻阻值是否正常,某些品牌泵在电机腔还装有泄露传感器,需要检查阻值来判断机封是否损坏,输送介质是否进到电机触发报警。1.1.4 通过测量泵上电压是否存在缺相或者低电压情况。1.2 机械方面原因:1.2.1 需要检查出口阀门是否打开,阀门是否有故障。1.2.2 泵是否正确安装到耦合上,存不存在虚接的可能(最好是在水位低的情况下安装泵,可以看到泵与耦合实际配合情况),管路水下部分是否有破损。1.2.3 泵入口是否存在污泥堆积情况,出现污水入水不畅可能。1.2.4 叶轮是否已经磨损,泵壳的耐磨环是否磨损,泵轴是否断裂。1.2.5 电机轴承是否存在损坏,可以通过电机电流来测量判断。1.3 控制单元故障: 1.1.3 Also need to check whether the temperature resistance resistance value of the motor is normal, some brands of pump in the motor cavity is also equipped with a leakage sensor, need to check the resistance value to determine whether the machine seal is damaged, whether the transmission medium into the motor trigger alarm.1.1.4 By measuring the voltage on the pump whether there is phase deficiency or low voltage.1.2 Mechanical reasons:1.2.1 It is necessary to check whether the outlet valve is open and whether the valve is faulty.1.2.2 Whether the pump is correctly installed on the coupling, whether there is the possibility of virtual connection (it is better to install the pump under the condition of low water level, so that the actual cooperation between the pump and the coupling can be seen), and whether the underwater part of the pipeline is damaged.1.2.3 Whether there is sludge accumulation at the pump entrance and the possibility of poor sewage entering the water.1.2.4 Whether the impeller is worn, whether the wear ring of the pump shell is worn, and whether the pump shaft is broken.1.2.5 Whether the motor bearing is damaged can be measured and judged by the motor current.1.3 Control Unit Fault:1.3.1 控制柜是否有电气元件故障,虚接,老化情况1.3.2 液位浮球是否正常工作2,电机通电后,泵出口流量压力达不到要求,常见原因如下:2.1 机械方面原因1.3.1 Control cabinet whether there are electrical components fault, false connection, aging1.3.2 Whether the liquid level floating ball works normally2. After the motor is energized, the pump outlet flow pressure fails to meet the requirements. The common reasons are as follows:2.1 Mechanical reasons2.1.1 过流部件是否磨损,叶轮,口环间隙是否超标。2.1.2 是否有杂物堵住叶轮流道。入口是否有污泥堆积。2.1.3 管路是否有破损,尤其是水下部分,可视性差。2.2 电气方面原因2.1.1 Whether the flow parts are worn, whether the clearance of impeller and mouth ring exceeds the standard.2.1.2 Whether there are sundries blocking the impeller runner. Whether there is sludge accumulation at inlet.2.1.3 Whether the pipeline is damaged, especially the underwater part, with poor visibility.2.2 Electrical reasons2.2.1 电压是否正常,星三角接法需要搞清楚。2.2.2 是否存在缺相的情况。2.2.1 Whether the voltage is normal or not, the star triangle connection method needs to be made clear.2.2.2 Whether there is phase deficiency.





    Pump failure reason analysis


    Submersible pump faulty


    Sewage water pump faulty

  • 材质选错-机械密封泄露原因之一 Wrong material - one...

    材质选错-机械密封泄露原因之一Wrong material - one of the causes of mechanical seal leakage某厂机加工生产车间,切屑液输送泵出现机械密封泄露的问题,拆开泵发现旧机封橡胶有溶胀,变软,撕裂现象。如图:In the machining workshop of a factory, the mechanical seal leakage of the chip liquid conveying pump occurred. When the pump was opened, the rubber seal of the old machine was found to swell, become soft and tear. As shown in figure:仔细看机封橡胶上有E, 标志,说明原材质是EPDM,熟称三元乙丙橡胶。Look closely at the machine seal rubber on the E mark, indicating that the original material is EPDM, known as EPDM.再向业主了解该泵使用工况,该泵是用来输送机床切削液,所以物料中含油,但机封橡胶材质为EPDM不耐油, 所以机封在没有使用多久,就出现机械密封损坏的情况。The pump is used to transport the cutting fluid of the machine tool, so the material contains oil, but the rubber material of the machine seal is EPDM oil resistant, so the machine seal has not been used for long, and the mechanical seal is damaged.所以在选择合适材质时,需要考虑应用工况,是否耐油,耐酸碱,耐高温,等情况。So in the selection of appropriate materials, we need to consider the application conditions, whether oil resistance, acid and alkali resistance, high temperature resistance, and so on.附上常见橡胶的耐高温、耐油、耐酸碱特性常用橡胶的品种,耐高温特性,用途天然橡胶 -20~≤85℃丁腈橡胶 -20~≤82℃三元乙丙 -40~≤125℃聚四氟乙烯-50~≤150℃氟橡胶 -23~≤160℃各种耐油橡胶耐油性通常指耐非极性油类:燃油,矿物油和合成润滑油。橡胶按照耐油性分类(极性橡胶):CR,NBR,HNBR,ACM,AEM,CSM,FKM,FMVQ,CO,PUR。不耐油性橡胶分类(非极性橡胶):NR,IR,BR,SBR,IIR,EPR,EPDM。耐燃油性:氟橡胶FKM 和氟硅橡胶FMVQ对燃料油的抗耐性最好。而氯丁橡胶和氯化聚乙烯橡胶CPE耐燃油性最差。丁晴橡胶的耐燃油性随丙烯晴含量增加而提高。氯醇橡胶的耐燃油性比丁晴橡胶好。耐混合燃油性:氟硅橡胶FMVQ和氟橡胶FKM 对混合燃料油的抗耐性最好。丙烯酸酯橡胶耐耐混合燃油性最差丁晴橡胶的耐混合燃油性随丙烯晴含量增加而提高。含氟量高的氟橡胶对混合燃油的稳定性较好耐酸性氧化燃油性:对酸性氧化燃油来说,酸性氧化燃油中的氢过氧化物可使硫化胶的性能恶化,所以在燃油系统中常用的丁晴橡胶,氯醇橡胶难以满足长期使用的要求。只有含氟弹性体如氟橡胶FKM ,氟硅橡胶FMVQ,氟化磷晴和氢化丁晴橡胶性能较好。普通的丁晴橡胶胶料,不能在125度的酸性汽油中长时间工作。只有采用氧化镉活化的低硫-给硫体以及白碳黑为主要原料的丁晴橡胶,才能较好的耐酸性汽油。增加丙烯晴的含量,可使酸性汽油的渗透性降低。耐矿物油性:丁晴橡胶是常用的耐矿物油橡胶。丁晴橡胶的耐矿物油性随丙烯晴含量增加而提高。但高丙烯晴含量的丁晴橡胶耐热性有限。当油温达到150度时,应该采用氢化丁晴橡胶,氟橡胶FKM ,氟硅橡胶FMVQ和丙烯酸酯橡胶。油温达到150度时,氟橡胶FKM ,氟硅橡胶FMVQ效果最好。但成本高,为降低成本,可以在氟橡胶FKM 中并入50%以下的丙烯酸酯橡胶,并用后的硫化胶性能下降不大于20%。丙烯酸酯橡胶耐矿物油性好于丁晴橡胶几种主要橡胶耐腐蚀性能介质介质丁苯胶 丁腈胶 丁基胶 氯丁胶 硅橡胶 氟橡胶  聚硫橡胶橡胶有很多种如IR:异戊橡胶Polyisoprene SBR:丁苯胶Styrene butadiene copolyme BR:顺丁胶Polybutadiene IIR:丁基橡胶Butyl Rubber EPDM:乙丙胶Ethylene propylene Rubber CR:氯丁胶Polychloroprene NBR:丁睛胶Nitrle Rubber PU:聚氨酯胶Urethane Rubber CSM:氯磺化聚乙烯胶Hypalon Polyethylene ACM:丙烯酸酯橡胶Polyacrylate Rubber ECO:氯酯橡胶Epichlorohydrin SI:硅橡胶Silicone Rubber FPM:氟素橡胶Fluoro Carbon Rubber HNBR:氢化丁睛胶Hydrogenate Nitrile FLS:氟素硅胶Fluorinated Silicone Rubber 它们一般都比较耐腐蚀浓硫酸会腐蚀普通橡胶,但氟橡胶、乙丙橡胶、氯丁橡胶等回耐一定硫酸腐蚀程度!一般10%以下硫酸不会腐蚀橡胶高浓度硫酸会严重腐蚀,氟橡胶制品可以耐98%浓硫酸!!





    Oil Acid and alkali resistant mechanical seal


    Cause analysis of seal leakage

  • 多级高压离心泵调试注意事项 Attentions in commissi...

    多级高压离心泵调试注意事项 Attentions in commissioning multistage high pressure pump 轴向节段式多级高压离心泵,由于扬程高,多使用于锅炉给水系统。对于此类泵的调试,主要需要考虑以下几种情况。Axial segmental multistage high pressure centrifugal pump is used in boiler water supply system because of its high head. For the debugging of this kind of pump, the main need to consider the following situations.水泵调试前准备: Preparation before pump commissioning:1,入口阀门已经打开,泵体已经注满水。The inlet valve is open and the pump is filled with water.2,由于试车,新管路系统一般有杂质,需要考虑在新泵入口加装滤网,滤网目数视管路清洁度实际情况。Due to the test run, the new pipeline system is generally impurities, it is necessary to consider the new pump inlet to install a filter screen, the number of filter screen depends on the actual cleanliness of the pipeline.3,出口阀门关闭,小流量阀门打开。有些泵还配置机械密封冲洗方案,需要对照厂家资料,需要保证密封水系统按照设计正常运行。某些泵还配置轴承润滑油系统,需要确保润滑油系统正常运行-油量、油温、油速、油的洁净度在正常值。Outlet valve closed, low flow valve open. Some pumps are also equippedwith a mechanical seal flushing scheme, which needs to be compared with the manufacturer's information to ensure that the sealed water system operates normally in accordance with the design. Some pumps are also equipped with bearing lubricating oil systems, which need to ensure the normal operation of the lubricating oil system - oil quantity, oil temperature, oil speed and oil cleanliness in normal values.4,启泵前,需要点动确认电机转向与泵一致。水泵与电机已经完成对中,轴向与径向对中值满足要求,需要连接管路前检查对中情况,连接管路后再次检查对中,确保管路没有对泵产生过多的应力。如果驱动不是电机,某些大型给水泵是用小型汽轮机做功带动水泵运转,这种情况还需要对照汽轮机的热工作状态的偏差做补偿调整对中。Before starting the pump, it is necessary to confirm that the motor steering is consistent with the pump. The water pump has been aligned with the motor, and the median of the axial and radial alignment meets the requirements. Check the alignment before connecting the pipeline, and check the alignment again after connecting the pipeline to ensure that the pipeline does not cause excessive stress on the pump. If the drive is not a motor, some large feed pumps use a small steam turbine to drive the water pump. In this case, the deviation of the thermal working state of the steam turbine needs to be compensated and adjusted.5,现场试泵,一般使用出口小流量管路,让泵在非工况点情况下运行,严苛的状态下检验泵的运行参数。流量,扬程(压力),电机电流,转速,水泵振动值(驱动端与非驱动端-水平、轴向、径向),电机振动值,噪音值,温度值等等。Field test pump, generally use outlet small flow line, so that the pump in the case of non-working conditions, under the condition of strict test pump operating parameters. Flow RATE, HEAD (PRESSURE), MOTOR CURRENT, SPEED, PUMP VIBRATION (driven and NON-driven - horizontal, axial, radial), motor vibration, noise, temperature, etc.6,试泵注意事项,对于多级高压离心泵,不能在出口没有背压的情况下,开启出口阀门启动泵,过高的轴向力会将整台泵瞬间报废。出口阀门关闭直到压力稳定后,慢慢开阀门到达工况点。好比饥饿的人不能一下子进补大餐一样。会出现消化系统紊乱。Precautions for pump test: For multistage high-pressure centrifugal pump, it is not possible to open the outlet valve to start the pump without back pressure at the outlet. Too high axial force will scrap the whole pump instantly. Outlet valve closed until pressure stabilizes, slowly open valve to operating point. Just as a hungry person cannot eat a large meal at once. Digestive disorders can occur.7,泵变频启动,时间不能太长或太短,启动时间长,会使泵出现咬死的情况发生。Pump frequency conversion start, the time can not be too long or too short, long start time, the pump will be seized.





    Multistage pump


    Boiler water feed pump




    Precautions for multistage pump

  • 机封泄露导致输送重油管道泵出口流量低案例分析 Case analysis...

    机封泄露导致输送重油管道泵出口流量低案例分析 Case analysis of low outlet flow of heavy oil pipeline pump related to seal failure 服务背景Service background:客户反映泵流量不足问题,需要派人到现场维修The customer reported the problem of insufficient pump flow, and someone needs to be sent to the site for repair地点 Location:浙江湖州某特材厂Zhejiang Huzhou some special material factory现场检查内容如下:The on-site inspection contents are as follows:管道泵输送很粘稠带颗粒污油Pipeline pump transport very viscous belt particle dirty oil机械密封处有少许不明显的泄露Slight leakage from the mechanical sealKSB管道泵Etaline适用于这种复杂工况KSB pipeline pump Etaline is suitable for such complex working conditions1,在现场,检查了泵系统,做了一些必要常规检查。发现油污很粘稠,觉得泵管路堵住的可能性大,但是从出口堵头打开,油有慢慢的出来,并不存在堵住的情况。On site, the pump system was inspected and some necessary routine checks were made. It was found that the oil was very sticky, and the possibility of blockage of the pump pipe was large. But the oil came out slowly from the outlet plug, and there was no blockage. 2,检查了泵转向,转向也正确,与泵转向标识一致。Check the pump rotation, rotation is also correct, consistent with the pump rotation logo.3,最后检查发现3台泵的机械密封泄露问题,这种泄露不同于正常打水的泵,水往外漏,因为是粘度很高的油,泵在运行或停止时时看不到大的泄露,但是一丢丢小的泄露,都会导致当泵运转时,空气有可能会进入到泵里,导致泵出现流量 和压力低的情况。 Final inspection found 3 pump mechanical seal leakage problem of the leak is different from the normal water pump, water leakage, because it is high viscosity oil, pump in running or stopping all the time can't see the big leaks, but a small leak diu diu, will cause when the pump is running, the air could be entering into the pump, to pump flow and low pressure.





    Seal leaks


    pump low outlet


    KSB pipeline oil pump

  • 泵卫士水泵维修服务-BengWS pump servicing

    泵卫士水泵维修服务BengWS pump servicing技术能力及产品业务范围技术服务和销售网络无死角覆盖亚太区Technical capabilitiesServices and Sales network Coverage at Asia pacific锅炉给水泵-多级泵服务Multistage Pump Service亚太区无死角快速响应水泵类技术服务与水泵销售 Asia Pacific Quick Reaction Pump Services and Sales -帮助中国泵类企业走出去,解决售后费用维修高问题 Help Chinese pump manufacturer seek oversea business with high service cost difficulties -提升中国企业对外服务水平和整体形象和扩大市场份额 Improve the service level, overall image and expand oversea market for Chinese pumps enterprises -帮助解决国外优秀泵企,在华无售后服务的难题 To help solve the problem of excellent foreign pump enterprises, no service support in China主要销售合作伙伴和特约维修中心已经覆盖以下主要亚太区国家和地区:Major sales partners and specialized maintenance centers have covered the following major Asia Pacific countries and regions:东南亚:新加坡,印尼,马来西亚,越南,泰国,缅甸等Southeast Asia: Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, etc南亚:印度,孟加拉等South Asia: India, Bangladesh, etc东北亚:日本,韩国(尚在开发中)Northeast Asia: Japan, Korea (under negotiate)中国台湾,中国香港特区, 中国澳门特区。Taiwan of China, Hong Kong SAR of China, Macao SAR of China.中国大陆全境。Full overage at mainland of China.业务范围Scope of Service现场能力:安装调试,状态检测(温度,振动,噪音,流量,压力,电流等测量),故障分析(泄露原因,轴承温度高原因,流量过低,振动大,噪音大等),处理一般的机封泄露、更换轴承等问题,以及整泵拆解返厂任务,安排吊车,安排物流。Ability: site installation startup/commissioning, monitoring (temperature, vibration, noise, flow, pressure, current measurement etc.), failure analysis (leaking, bearing temperature, flow rate, vibration, noise,etc., issues), dealing with general machine, changing the problems such as bearing, seal leak and disassemble the pump to return factory tasks, arrange crane, arrange the logistics.  工厂维修:大修,全面拆解,检查零部件(轴的跳动、光洁度;机封接触面磨损情况;节段式接触面密封情况;轴承的磨损情况、推力轴承表面磨损等),分析故障原因,损坏备件维修或更换,转子动平衡,完成零部件装配(按照锁紧螺母的标准扭矩;注意轴在泵中的径向轴向位置-熟称抬轴;叶轮及平衡鼓在轴上的膨胀间隙设定;机封的轴上位置设定;推力盘在推力轴承之间的间隙;启停装置的设定等),安装完成后对泵进行常规静压测试,确保无漏点。出具全面维修报告。联系客户,安排出厂。Factory maintenance: overhaul, full disassembly, check parts (shaft runout, finish;  Machine seal contact surface wear;  Sealing condition of segmental contact surface;  Bearing wear, thrust bearing surface wear, etc.), analyze the cause of failure, repair or replace damaged spare parts, rotor dynamic balance, complete parts assembly (according to the standard torque of the lock nut;  Pay attention to the radial axial position of the shaft in the pump - ripe lifting shaft;  The expansion clearance of impeller and balance drum on the shaft is set;  Setting of shaft position of machine seal;  The clearance between thrust plate and thrust bearing;  Start and stop device Settings, etc.), after the completion of installation, routine static pressure test of the pump to ensure no leakage point.  Issue comprehensive maintenance report.  Contact customers to arrange delivery.  中开双吸泵服务 Split double suction pump service业务范围Scope of service现场能力:安装调试,状态检测(温度,振动,噪音,流量,压力,电流等测量),故障分析(泄露原因,轴承温度高原因,流量过低,振动大,噪音大等),处理一般的机封泄露、更换轴承,更换叶轮,更换耐磨环等问题,以及整泵拆解返厂任务,安排吊车,安排物流。Ability: site installation startup, monitoring (temperature, vibration, noise, flow, pressure, current measurement etc.), failure analysis (leaking, bearing temperature, flow rate, vibration, noise, etc., issues), handling M/seal leakage, replacement of bearings in general, replacement of impeller, replace the problem such as wear ring, and the whole pump disassembled task returned to the factory, arrange crane, arrange the logistics.工厂维修:大修,全面拆解,检查零部件,分析故障原因,损坏备件维修或更换,转子动平衡,完成零部件装配,安装完成后对泵进行常规静压测试,确保无漏点。出具全面维修报告。联系客户,安排出厂。Factory maintenance: overhaul, complete disassembly, check parts, analyze failure causes, repair or replace damaged spare parts, dynamic balance of rotor, complete parts assembly, perform routine static pressure test on pump after installation to ensure no leakage point. Issue comprehensive maintenance report. Contact customers to arrange delivery.大型潜水式离心泵服务 Large Submersible centrifugal pump service业务范围Scope of service现场能力:安装调试,状态检测(温度,振动,噪音,流量,压力,电流等测量),故障分析(泄露原因,轴承温度高原因,流量过低,振动大,噪音大等),处理一般的机封泄露、更换轴承,更换叶轮,等问题,以及整泵拆解返厂任务,安排吊车,安排物流。Ability: site installation startup, monitoring (temperature, vibration, noise, flow, pressure, current measurement etc.), failure analysis (leaking, bearing temperature, flow rate, vibration, noise, etc., issues), handling M/seal leakage, replacement of bearings in general, replacement of impeller, replace the problem such as wear ring, and the whole pump disassembled task returned to the factory, arrange crane, arrange the logistics.工厂维修:大修,全面拆解,检查零部件,分析故障原因,损坏备件维修或更换,转子动平衡,完成零部件装配,安装完成后对泵进行常规静压测试(密封腔气密测试),确保无漏点。出具全面维修报告。联系客户,安排出厂。Factory maintenance: overhaul, complete disassembly, check parts, analyze failure causes, repair or replace damaged spare parts, dynamic balance of rotor, complete parts assembly, perform routine static pressure test on pump after installation to ensure no leakage point. Issue comprehensive maintenance report. Contact customers to arrange delivery.大型筒式轴流/混流泵服务 Large Barrel axial/mixed flow pump service以上泵类为单级端吸离心泵,广泛用于石油化工,建筑楼宇,工厂循环系统,维修业务范围在此不赘述!The above pumps are single-stage end suction centrifugal pumps, widely used in petrochemical, building, factory circulation system, the scope of maintenance business is not go into details here!


    主要销售合作伙伴和特约维修中心已经覆盖以下主要亚太区国家和地区: Major sales partn...
    主要销售合作伙伴和特约维修中心已经覆盖以下主要亚太区国家和地区: Major sales partn...
    主要销售合作伙伴和特约维修中心已经覆盖以下主要亚太区国家和地区: Major sales partn...




    pump service overseas


    pump sales


    Maintenance outsourcing Service

  • 工业泵用填料密封使用注意事项Industrial pump with p...

    工业泵用填料密封使用注意事项‍Industrial pump with packing seal use matters needing attention‍淮安某水厂双吸泵填料更换现场服务情况汇总A water plant in Huaian double suction pump packing replacement site service summary1, 情况简述如下:The situation is summarized as follows1.1 选取填料更换前一台RDLO泄露严重照片如下:The serious leakage picture of RDLO before replacing the filler is as follows: 填料为原厂填料,由于运行时间已经2年左右,已无调整空间更换下的部分旧填料1.2 填料更换后,不能一步到位把填料压盖拧的一滴不漏,拧的过紧,会加剧磨损,要留有适当泄露(根据工厂技术说明书上每分钟允许泄漏量),等泵开启后再调整压盖的螺母,根据轴径大小来确定泄露量大小。After the replacement of the packing, the packing gland can not be screwed in one step without leakage. If the packing gland is screwed too tightly, it will aggravate the wear and tear. The appropriate leakage should be left (according to the allowable leakage per minute in the factory technical instructions).1.3 安装运行几天后,泄露情况符合要求,选取一张照片如下:After a few days of installation and operation, the leakage situation meets the requirements. Select a photo below 2,填料更换过程中发现的问题:Problems found during packing replacement2.1 四台RDLO取水泵轴套均不同程度磨损,其中#3取水泵轴套磨损情况最严重,并且#3取水泵非驱动端一只压盖端面有破损。这个日常保养维修有关系,填料被紧得过紧。The bushing of the four RDLO water intake pumps is worn to different degrees, among which the bushing of the #3 water intake pump is worn the most seriously, and the end face of one gland of the non-driving end of the #3 water intake pump is damaged. This daily maintenance is related to the packing is too tight. 轴套磨损严重工作小结Summary:目前水泵用填料的场合没有机械密封多,该批泵用于废黄河取水,水中含有杂质较多,机械密封较易磨损,并且大型中开泵更换机械密封难度比较大,所以该场合使用填料密封更经济更有性价比。填料密封的工作原理是通过压盖压紧盘根,通过填料密封与轴的紧密配合来达到控制泄漏量的要求,所以填料在更换新的时需要加适量润滑剂比如黄油等,也需要结合现场实际用途,考虑是否使用食品级润滑剂,当新填料更换后,只能用手轻轻带上螺母,带开阀后后调节泄漏量,并在运行过程中适当调节,一般材质的填料不允许零泄露,必须按照厂家要求调整好泄露量,泄露的介质起到润滑和冷却的效果,压得过紧会导致轴套和填料的过度磨损。At present, the pump with packing occasions no mechanical seal, the batch of pumps used for the waste Yellow River water, water contains more impurities, mechanical seal is easy to wear, and the large open pump to replace the mechanical seal is more difficult, so the use of packing seal is more economical and cost-effective. Working principle of packing seal is through the tight packing gland pressure, through the close coordination of the packing seal and the shaft to meet the needs of the control leakage, so packing in replacing new need to add a moderate amount of lubricant such as butter, etc., also need to be combined with the actual use, consider whether to use food grade lubricant, when new packing replacement, can only bring with your hand lightly in the nut, With the open valve after adjustment of leakage, and appropriate adjustment in the process of operation, general material packing is not allowed to zero leakage, must be adjusted according to the manufacturer's requirements, leakage of media to lubricate and cooling effect, too tight pressure will lead to excessive wear of bushing and packing.在大泵填料更换过程中,大的填料从泵上取下来的难度比较大,尤其是使用了多年的KSB泵填料,必须有足够耐心,慢工出细活,先找到填料缺口,一点点的把填料拉出来,要会太极,四两拨千斤的功力,越着急,越蛮干,拉出来的效果越差。In the process of large pump packing replacement, the difficulty of the large packing removed from the pump is larger, especially the KSB pump packing used for many years, must have enough patience, fire makes sweet malt, first find the gap filler, the stuffing out of a little bit, to tai chi, four two dial one thousand jins of capability, more anxious, more passing, pull out the effect of the worse.建议使用原厂填料,尤其是凯士比KSB泵,必须使用原厂填料,贵是贵了点,但是厂家填料在尺寸、柔软度、材料等等方面要优于路边摊或网购的不知道多少倍,相比用劣质填料很容易把轴套磨损了,相比多花的钱要值得多。It is recommended to use the original packing, especially the KSB pump, must use the original packing, expensive is expensive, but the manufacturer of packing in size, softness, materials and so on is better than the roadside stall or online shopping do not know how many times, compared to the use of poor packing is easy to wear the shaft sleeve, compared to the more money is worth more.







    sleeve worn

    压盖调整adjust cover


    reasons for packing leakage

  • 泵卫士嘉定服务中心Shanghai Pump Service Cente...

    泵卫士嘉定服务中心Shanghai Pump Service center at Jiading公司主营业务:水泵类机电产品维修、售后,备件销售,整泵配套供应。Main business:Pump M&E products maintenance, after-sales servicing, spare parts sales, the whole pump set supply. 1. 维修区简述Description of maintenance area:1.1. 空间:250平方米使用面积,层高8米。Space: 250 square meters of usable area, 8 meters high. 1.2. 行车:4米高x 4米宽可移动式龙门架,搭配电动葫芦,满足3吨以下机械设备维修要求。Crane:4 m high x4 m wide mobile gantry, with electric hoist:,meet the maintenance requirements of mechanical equipment below 3 tons.  1.3. 电力:380V,满足部分泵类空载测试要求。Electric power: 380V, which can meet the no-load test requirements of some pumps. 1.4. 叉车:3吨x2米高电动叉车满足一般卸货装货需求。Forklift: 3 tons x2 m high electric forklift can meet the general unloading and loading requirements. 1.5. 工作台:3吨重载型工作台, 0.5吨轻载工作台。Worktable: 3 tons heavy-load worktable, 0.5 tons light load worktable. 1.6. 设备:轴承电磁加热仪,空气压缩机,大功率吸尘器,30吨液压拉马,5吨液压拉马,30吨空心千斤顶搭配手动泵,高扬程冲洗泵。Equipment: Bearing electromagnetic heater, air compressor, high power vacuum cleaner, 30 tons hydraulic pull, 5 tons hydraulic pull, 30 tons hollow jack with manual pump, high head flushing pump.  1.7. 工具:配备重型移动式工具车、轻载移动车、工具挂架、电工工具,手动工具齐全,专用工具可自行设计制作。 Tools: Equipped with heavy mobile tool vehicle, light mobile vehicle, tool hanger, electrician tools, hand tools are fully equipped, special tools are designed and made by ourselves.   1.8. 仪表:振动仪,测温枪,噪音仪,钳形电流表,万用表,绝缘摇表,百分表,卡尺等。Instruments: vibrator, temperature gun, noise meter, clamp ammeter, multi-meter, insulated meter, dial indicator, caliper, etc.   1.9. 劳保用品:配备齐全。PPE supplies: fully equipped.  1.10. 安全措施:落实到位。Safety measures: Put in place.  1.11. 监控:24小时无死角录像,云空间上传,保障客户设备安全,可以与客户远程分享设备维修实况;维修过程全程录像,便于后续分析总结,持续提升团队操作技能。Monitoring: 24 hours without dead Angle video, cloud space upload, to ensure the safety of customers' maintenance equipment, equipment maintenance can be shared with customers remotely;  And the whole process of maintenance video, in order to find the follow-up operation error analysis. 1.12. 加工中心:满足车、铣、钻、切割、焊接需求。Machining center: meet the requirements of turning, milling, drilling, cutting and welding.   2. 办公区域Office area :2.1. 设备: 彩色打印扫描复印一体机,激光硒鼓打印机等满足基本办公要求(报价,合同,维修报告等需求)。Equipment: Color printing, scanning and copying all-in-one machine, laser cartridge printer, etc. to meet the basic office requirements (quotation, contract, maintenance report, etc.).    2.2. 交流培训:满足20人左右培训需求,搭配100寸投影设备。Communication and training: To meet the training needs of about 20 people, with 100-inch projection equipment. 


    主要销售合作伙伴和特约维修中心已经覆盖以下主要亚太区国家和地区: Major sales partn...
    主要销售合作伙伴和特约维修中心已经覆盖以下主要亚太区国家和地区: Major sales partn...
    主要销售合作伙伴和特约维修中心已经覆盖以下主要亚太区国家和地区: Major sales partn...



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